Domi und Domi-ACE eben auf den neusten Stand gebracht. Achtet darauf das ihr jeweils zum CBA noch CBA_OA oder CBA_A2 braucht. Lest am besten die Readme-Datei im Modordner durch:
@CBA => Copy this directory to your Arma II game directory (see manual for more details).
@CBA_OA => Copy this aswell, but only if you have a standalone Operation Arrowhead installation.
@CBA_A2 => Copy this if you have ArmA II but not Arrowhead.
@CBA/store/wiki.tar => Tar archive of the online wiki. This is a copy of the DevHeaven wiki at the time of release.
@CBA/store/function_library.tar => Tar archive of the the function/macro reference.
@CBA/store/keys/ => Server keys for addons.
@CBA/store/source/ => Source files for all addons.
Commercial and military usage prohibited.
What do I need?
* You should always install the @CBA mod folder by copying it to your ArmA II installation
* If you have a "merged" or "seperate", Combined Operations installation with both the old ArmA II
content and the new Arrowhead expansion, you're done - you only need the @CBA mod folder.
* If you only have a standalone Operation Arrowhead installation, you need both the @CBA
and the @CBA_OA folders loaded.
* If you only have the older ArmA II installed, you need both the @CBA and the
@CBA_A2 folders loaded.